Source code for kwandl

[docs]__version__ = "0.2.0"
import __future__ import ast from collections import defaultdict import functools import inspect import sys if sys.version_info < (3, 9): from astunparse import unparse
[docs] ast.unparse = unparse
# dict to store functions that were decorated with forward for later reference # in transitive forwards
[docs]_forwarded_global = {}
[docs]def get_kwargs_applicable_to_function(function, kwargs): """ Returns a subset of `kwargs` of only arguments and keyword arguments of `function`. This can also include transitive keyword arguments: if a kwandl.forwarded function is called inside `function`, that inner function's keyword arguments are also added here. """ transitive_kwargs = function.kwandl_get_transitive_kwargs() \ if hasattr(function, 'kwandl_get_transitive_kwargs') else [] return {key: value for key, value in kwargs.items() if key in inspect.getfullargspec(function).args + transitive_kwargs}
[docs]def _get_kwargs_applicable_to_function_and_check_expected_keywords(function, function_call_name, kwargs, expected_keywords, # noqa: too-many-arguments local_function_names, typeerror_message): """ Like get_kwargs_applicable_to_function, but also check expected keywords. This function is meant for use from @forward decorated functions that call non-global (i.e. local or non-local) objects. It adds the keywords from the local call (`function`) to `expected_keywords`, deletes `function`'s name from `local_function_names` and if `local_function_names` is empty (meaning all local functions have had their keywords added to `expected_keywords`) it finally does the unexpected keywords check. At this point it may raise an exception. Input: function_call_name: The name of function as it is used at the call site. For instance, when calling `thing.bla(kwarg=1)` function_call_name must be "thing.bla". This name will then be removed from `local_function_names`. """ applicable_kwargs = get_kwargs_applicable_to_function(function, kwargs) expected_keywords += applicable_kwargs local_function_names.remove(function_call_name) if not local_function_names: unexpected_keywords = set(kwargs.keys()) - set(expected_keywords) if unexpected_keywords: raise TypeError(typeerror_message + unexpected_keywords.pop() + "'") return applicable_kwargs
[docs]class ForwardNodeTransformer(ast.NodeTransformer): """ Replace Call nodes with kwargs keywords in the AST of the decorated function. This NodeTransformer is made to be used from function decorators. The **kwargs are wrapped in a function that filters out keywords that are not applicable to the function. All applicable keywords of the called functions are also stored, so that they can be checked against in the modified function. This way, we can throw a TypeError when an unexpected keyword argument is given, except now it is unexpected by all the functions to which `kwargs` is forwarded. The NodeTransformer parts are inspired by """ def __init__(self, func, calling_decorator_name: str, transitive: bool = False): """ ForwardNodeTransformer initializer. Input: func: the function object we're decorating. calling_decorator_name: the name of the decorator that calls this as a string argument. transitive: boolean to indicate whether or not to use transitive forwarding; note that this makes each keyword argument search dynamic (and hence slightly slower)! """ self.calling_decorator_name = calling_decorator_name self.func = func self.transitive = transitive self.expected_kwargs = [] # by default, we try to gather the expected kwargs in the AST, so the decorated function doesn't # need to get the expected_kwargs itself dynamically; the following flag is switched if this # is not possible (when local or at least non-global functions are called): self.use_expected_kwargs_in_ast = True self.forwardized_function_names = [] self.local_function_names = [] # this message will be necessary in both visit functions below, so define it here: self.typeerror_message = self.func.__name__ + "() got an unexpected keyword argument '" # a list of statements (ast.stmt) that we are currently in, in order of when we entered them: self.in_stmt = [] # wrapped calls, with containing statement nodes as keys self.wrapped_call_in_stmt = defaultdict(dict)
[docs] def _add_funcs_kwparams_to_expected_kwargs(self, new_node): """ Returns: (called_name, non_global) called_name: the function as it is called at the call site, e.g. "thing.bla" when calling `thing.bla(kwarg=1)` non_global: bool, True if the called function is a non-global (i.e. local or non-local) """ non_global = False # add func's actual keyword parameters to expected_kwargs: if isinstance(new_node.func, ast.Name): called_name = if called_name in self.func.__globals__: called_function_object = self.func.__globals__[called_name] else: non_global = True elif isinstance(new_node.func, ast.Attribute): called_name = ast.unparse(new_node.func) top_level_object_name = called_name.split('.')[0] if top_level_object_name in self.func.__globals__: called_function_object = eval(called_name, self.func.__globals__) # noqa: eval-used else: non_global = True if non_global or self.transitive: # The call is on a non-global object, so we cannot get the keywords here. # We get them later then. Also necessary in transitive mode. self.local_function_names.append(called_name) else: # note: normal arguments (without default value) can also be used as keyword arguments # by the caller, so we can just take all args here: called_function_arguments = inspect.getfullargspec(called_function_object).args self.expected_kwargs += called_function_arguments return called_name, non_global
[docs] def visit_Call(self, node): # noqa: N802 """ Replace `func(...,**kwargs)` with `func(...,**get_kwargs_applicable_to_function(func, kwargs))`. Also stores the names of the keyword arguments of all such `func`s in self.expected_kwargs. """ # first also visit possible child nodes self.generic_visit(node) # then check if this is a call with **kwargs argument for ix, kw in enumerate(node.keywords): # kw.arg must be None, otherwise it's not a double-starred keyword, but an object passed as keyword argument if not isinstance(kw.value, ast.Name) or != "kwargs" or kw.arg is not None: continue new_node = node # first get keywords and check whether the called function is global or not called_name, non_global = self._add_funcs_kwparams_to_expected_kwargs(new_node) # store the name for later use in visit_stmt and determine the wrapper_name if self.in_stmt: parent_stmt = self.in_stmt[-1] self.wrapped_call_in_stmt[parent_stmt]["wrapped_called_name"] = called_name wrapper_name = f"__kwandl_wrapped_call_{len(self.wrapped_call_in_stmt)}" self.wrapped_call_in_stmt[parent_stmt]["wrapper_name"] = wrapper_name new_node.func = ast.Name(id=wrapper_name, ctx=ast.Load()) function_call_name = wrapper_name # in this case, we must also replace the name in self.local_function_names: if non_global or self.transitive: self.local_function_names.remove(called_name) self.local_function_names.append(function_call_name) else: function_call_name = called_name # then do the appropriate transformation on this node: if non_global or self.transitive: wrapper_function = ast.parse('kwandl._get_kwargs_applicable_to_function_and_check_expected_keywords').body[0].value wrapped_kwargs = ast.Call(func=wrapper_function, args=[new_node.func, ast.Constant(value=function_call_name), kw.value, ast.Name(id="expected_keywords", ctx=ast.Load()), ast.Name(id="local_function_names", ctx=ast.Load()), ast.Constant(value=self.typeerror_message)], keywords=[]) else: wrapper_function = ast.Attribute(value=ast.Name(id='kwandl', ctx=ast.Load()), attr='get_kwargs_applicable_to_function', ctx=ast.Load()) wrapped_kwargs = ast.Call(func=wrapper_function, args=[new_node.func, kw.value], keywords=[]) new_node.keywords.remove(kw) new_node.keywords.insert(ix, ast.keyword(value=wrapped_kwargs)) # AST logistics ast.copy_location(new_node, node) ast.fix_missing_locations(new_node) self.forwardized_function_names.append(called_name) return new_node # if no kwargs argument was found, just return the node unchanged: return node
[docs] def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): # noqa: N802 """Modify the function definition itself. - Rename and remove the decorator, otherwise we get infinite recursion. - Add a statement to the top checking if all kwargs are expected. """ # === first also visit possible child nodes === self.generic_visit(node) # === then this node itself === # === 1. remove the decorator: === new_node = node new_decorator_list = [] for decorator in new_node.decorator_list: # TODO: replace with pattern matching once Python 3.9 is EOL if isinstance(decorator, ast.Attribute): if self.calling_decorator_name not in ast.unparse(decorator): new_decorator_list.append(decorator) else: if != self.calling_decorator_name: new_decorator_list.append(decorator) new_node.decorator_list = new_decorator_list # === 2. add a statement to the top checking if all kwargs are expected: === if not self.forwardized_function_names: raise ValueError(f"decorator kwandl.forward cannot find any kwargs object to forward in {self.func.__name__}") new_node = node expected_kwargs_ast = ast.List(elts=[ast.Constant(value=element) for element in self.expected_kwargs], ctx=ast.Load()) local_function_names_ast = ast.List(elts=[ast.Constant(value=element) for element in self.local_function_names], ctx=ast.Load()) # AST for raising TypeError if unexpected key used: kwargs_keys_ast = ast.Call(func=ast.Attribute(value=ast.Name(id='kwargs', ctx=ast.Load()), attr='keys', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[], keywords=[]) # next line represents: `unexpected_keywords = set(kwargs.keys()) - set(expected_keywords)` unexpected_keywords_ast = ast.Assign( targets=[ast.Name(id='unexpected_keywords', ctx=ast.Store())], value=ast.BinOp(left=ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id='set', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[kwargs_keys_ast], keywords=[] ), op=ast.Sub(), right=ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id='set', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[expected_kwargs_ast], keywords=[]) ) ) type_error_ast = ast.parse(f"""raise TypeError("{self.typeerror_message}" + unexpected_keywords.pop() + "'")""").body[0] # if-statement checking for unexpected_keywords: check_unexpected_keywords_ast = ast.If(test=ast.Name(id='unexpected_keywords', ctx=ast.Load()), body=[type_error_ast], orelse=[]) if not self.local_function_names: # put it all together for the simple case (no non-globals): new_node.body = [unexpected_keywords_ast, check_unexpected_keywords_ast] + new_node.body else: # when we have called non-globals, we need to defer the check until we gathered all # expected keywords dynamically; the check is done in get_kwargs_applicable_to_function_and_check_expected_keywords, # but it needs expected_keywords from the non-dynamically defined calls and also # a list of local functions to keep track of when everything is collected # # In addition, we need to also defer the check if any functions with **kwargs are # present, because they may be kwandl.forward decorated, possibly after this function # has been decorated. In that case, we need to dynamically gather the transitive # expected_keywords from them. expected_keywords_assign_ast = ast.Assign(targets=[ast.Name(id='expected_keywords', ctx=ast.Store())], value=expected_kwargs_ast) local_function_names_assign_ast = ast.Assign(targets=[ast.Name(id='local_function_names', ctx=ast.Store())], value=local_function_names_ast) new_node.body = [expected_keywords_assign_ast, local_function_names_assign_ast] + new_node.body # === 3. rename the returned function so we can access it easily from `forward` === = "_func_with_kwargs_forwarded" # === AST logistics === ast.copy_location(new_node, node) ast.fix_missing_locations(new_node) return new_node
[docs] def visit_stmt(self, node): """ In calls with kwandl-wrapped kwargs, we need to first reassign the to be called function to a new variable to avoid `__get__`ting it twice. In case of exotic callables, like descriptors, which may return different functions with different sets of keyword arguments for different `__get__` calls, this will make sure it still works. To put these reassignments in, we must visit the statements (`ast.stmt`) that contain the wrapped calls and return a reassignment statement followed by the original statement with the wrapped call. """ self.in_stmt.append(node) self.generic_visit(node) self.in_stmt.pop() if self.wrapped_call_in_stmt.get(node): wrapper_name = self.wrapped_call_in_stmt.get(node)["wrapper_name"] wrapped_called_name = self.wrapped_call_in_stmt.get(node)["wrapped_called_name"] reassignment_ast = ast.parse(f"""{wrapper_name} = {wrapped_called_name}""").body[0] return [reassignment_ast, node] return node
[docs] def visit_Expr(self, node): return self.visit_stmt(node)
[docs] def visit_Return(self, node): return self.visit_stmt(node)
[docs] def visit_Assign(self, node): return self.visit_stmt(node)
[docs] def visit_AnnAssign(self, node): return self.visit_stmt(node)
[docs] def visit_AugAssign(self, node): return self.visit_stmt(node)
[docs] def visit_Assert(self, node): return self.visit_stmt(node)
[docs] def visit_Raise(self, node): return self.visit_stmt(node)
[docs] def visit_If(self, node): return self.visit_stmt(node)
[docs] def visit_For(self, node): return self.visit_stmt(node)
[docs] def visit_While(self, node): return self.visit_stmt(node)
# The following is modified from # Copyright (c) 2018-2020 George Ho, MIT license # That code itself was in turn modified from # Copyright (c) 2012 Oren Tirosh, MIT license
[docs]PyCF_MASK = sum(v for k, v in vars(__future__).items() if k.startswith("CO_FUTURE"))
[docs]def uncompile(c): """uncompile(codeobj) -> [source, filename, mode, flags, firstlineno].""" if c.co_name == "<lambda>": raise NotImplementedError("Lambda functions not supported") if c.co_filename == "<string>": raise NotImplementedError("Code without source file not supported") filename = inspect.getfile(c) try: lines, firstlineno = inspect.getsourcelines(c) except IOError: raise RuntimeError("Source code not available") from IOError source = "".join(lines) return [source, filename, "single", c.co_flags & PyCF_MASK, firstlineno]
[docs]def recompile(source, filename, mode, flags=0, firstlineno=1): """Recompile output of uncompile back to a code object. source may also be preparsed AST.""" if isinstance(source, ast.AST): a = source else: a = parse_snippet(source, filename, mode, flags, firstlineno) node = a.body[0] if not isinstance(node, ast.FunctionDef): raise RuntimeError("Expecting function AST node") c0 = compile(a, filename, mode, flags, True) return c0
[docs]def parse_snippet(source, filename, mode, flags, firstlineno): """Like ast.parse, but accepts indented code snippet with a line number offset.""" args = filename, mode, flags | ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST, True prefix = "\n" try: a = compile(prefix + source, *args) except IndentationError: # Already indented? Wrap with dummy compound statement prefix = "with 0:\n" a = compile(prefix + source, *args) # Peel wrapper a.body = a.body[0].body ast.increment_lineno(a, firstlineno - 2) return a
[docs]def _get_transitive_kwargs(me, downstream_dependency_functions): """ Internal function to dynamically get the transitive kwargs of a function by walking through the list of downstream dependencies. This includes the kwargs of the function itself. Pass in `me` manually at closure time as a poor-man's `self`/class substitute. """ transitive_kwargs = inspect.getfullargspec(me).args for fcn_name in downstream_dependency_functions: fcn = eval(fcn_name, me.__globals__) # noqa: eval-used if hasattr(fcn, 'kwandl_forwarded_global_key') and fcn.kwandl_forwarded_global_key in _forwarded_global: transitive_kwargs.extend(_forwarded_global[fcn.kwandl_forwarded_global_key].kwandl_get_transitive_kwargs()) else: transitive_kwargs.extend(inspect.getfullargspec(fcn).args) return transitive_kwargs
[docs]def forward(func): # Parse AST and modify it. uncompiled = uncompile(func.__code__) # Parse AST and modify it tree = parse_snippet(*uncompiled) transformer = ForwardNodeTransformer(func, 'forward') tree = transformer.visit(tree) uncompiled[0] = tree # Recompile wrapped function recompiled = recompile(*uncompiled) exec_output = {} # Note: using func.__globals__ is critical, otherwise names of functions used in func cannot be found exec(recompiled, func.__globals__, exec_output) wrapper = exec_output['_func_with_kwargs_forwarded'] functools.update_wrapper(wrapper, func) # add result to the table for later reference in transitive forwarding cases: _forwarded_global[wrapper.__name__] = wrapper # also store the original name in the object itself so that we can also use the table # with possible copies of the original object wrapper.kwandl_forwarded_global_key = wrapper.__name__ # add a function with which to retrieve transitive keyword arguments wrapper.kwandl_get_transitive_kwargs = lambda: _get_transitive_kwargs(wrapper, transformer.forwardized_function_names) return wrapper
[docs]def forward_transitive(func): # Parse AST and modify it. uncompiled = uncompile(func.__code__) # Parse AST and modify it tree = parse_snippet(*uncompiled) transformer = ForwardNodeTransformer(func, 'forward_transitive', transitive=True) tree = transformer.visit(tree) uncompiled[0] = tree # Recompile wrapped function recompiled = recompile(*uncompiled) exec_output = {} # Note: using func.__globals__ is critical, otherwise names of functions used in func cannot be found exec(recompiled, func.__globals__, exec_output) wrapper = exec_output['_func_with_kwargs_forwarded'] functools.update_wrapper(wrapper, func) # add result to the table for later reference in transitive forwarding cases: _forwarded_global[wrapper.__name__] = wrapper # also store the original name in the object itself so that we can also use the table # with possible copies of the original object wrapper.kwandl_forwarded_global_key = wrapper.__name__ # add a function with which to retrieve transitive keyword arguments wrapper.kwandl_get_transitive_kwargs = lambda: _get_transitive_kwargs(wrapper, transformer.forwardized_function_names) return wrapper